Steellinks.Com A great resource for steel related industries !
Steel Information Agency
The Institute of Materials (UK)

Materials Suppliers

Capital Steel & Wire Capital Steel & Wire Inc. is a mill quantity distributor of hot rolled steel wire, cold finished products and steel bars.

Metalworking Resources - A Directory of interesting sites about metalworking and machining. .

Popular Corrosion Sites

Corrosion Doctors  an interesting and informative site about corrosion, corrosion basics, environmental corrosion control, prevention and other electro-chemical topics.
Corrosion Source.Com
Water Treatment  Boiler water treatment and season layup products for closed water systems and system shutdown/layup.

Chemical Engineering Information and Software at
Your complete source for chemical engineering information, calculation spreadsheets, free articles, newsletters, and a complete online community.  Perfect for process and design
engineers as well as students.

Daubert VCI Corrosion Protection distributed by Kpr Adcor Inc.  Click on the link to visit Daubert's full line of products

The Leading Name in Corrosion Prevention Daubert Cromwell VCI

Academic Institutions

Materials Science, Stony Brook
Stanislaw Staszic University, Cracow Poland

Business Resources

VPCI  VP Consulting Inc is a company that specializes in electronic document solutions for your business

Cortec  a medical device company specialized in marketing innovative medical devices.  VPCI VP Consulting is a document management and document imaging consultant and value-added reseller.

CNET Up to date information on Internet related technology, software and news with keyword search capabilities

CNN Interactive   Latest breaking news on world events, business, technology, etc with keyword search capabilities

Cortec Toroidal Power Products

MM&D is written for Canada's leading supply chain professionals and provides a solution oriented editorial approach to the movement, storage and control of materials, products and information. Visit the site to sign up for the free e-newsletter too! A Canadian Publication

Corrosion Resources

Finishing Industry
General Paint
"Quick Tour" of Metallic Corrosion Processes
Paint Quality Institute

Government and National Agencies

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
National Institute of Standards Technology


Hydrocarbon Processing Magazine
Chemical Week

Technical Societies and Organizations

American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)
American Chemical Society
Institute of Petroleum (UK)
Institution of Chemical Engineers (IchemE)
American Petroleum Institute
ASM International "The Materials Information Society"
Electrochemical Society Home Page
NACE International
National Paints & Coatings Association
Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPEWEB)
Steel Structures Painting Council
The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS)
OPEC Online

Automotive Links
Australia's leading supplier of electronic anti rust prevention solutions for cars and other vehicles.  Electronic rust prevention, Car anti corrosion protection, lanolin and Rubber rust prevention

Peelable coatings, paint strippers & vanishing lubricants.  A leader in supplying strippable coatings, peelable coatings, paint booths, paint strippers, vanishing oil, vanishing lubricants, metal polish, soldering flux, and aluminum cleaners for
manufacturing processes.

Boiler Water and Water Systems Corrosion Control

| VCI SELECTION HELP | Free evaluation of your corrosion control requirements | Selection Guide | VCI Additives Oil | Chemical Descriptions | Coatings | Cleaning / Degreasing | VCI Plastic | Polymer MB | Industrial Quick List | Daubert VCI Emitters | Electrical | Hydrotesting | Lay Up & Storage | Military Specs | Mothballing | Catalogs Index | VCI Packaging | Tower Layup | VCI Degreaser | Water Treatment | Corrosion Protection Slide Shows | Safe Rust Remover | Steel Coil Protection | Quotations | Biodegradable Products | Antistatic | Corrosion Control Canada | Mobile Site | VCI Emitter FAQ | Delivery Systems | Terms |