name asc type size date description
[ back ] <DIR>14-02-25
1101.pdf pdf 256.7 KB 21-11-18 Nox-Rust 1101 VCI-10 Oil Mil-P46002 Oil additive concentrated version
1200.pdf pdf 248.3 KB 03-07-18 Nox-Rust 1200 corrosion protection water additive for hydrotesting and short to medium corrosion control.
40pcf.pdf pdf 44.2 KB 04-07-18 Polycoat backed VCI paper. For ferrous metals and cast iron only. Where VCI paper and a vapor barrier are required.
40pcmpi.pdf pdf 32.1 KB 04-07-18 Polycoat backed VCI paper for multi-metals. Use where a vapor barrier and VCI paper are required.
5100.pdf pdf 254.6 KB 05-07-18 Nox-Rust 5100 501 LS corrosion inhibitor coating. Mil PRF-16173 Rev. E Grade 1, Class 1 corrosion inhibitor coating also meets Mil C16173 Rev D
5200.pdf pdf 257.7 KB 06-07-18 Nox-Rust 5200 502 LS corrosion inhibitor coating data sheet. Mil PRF-16173 Rev. E Grade 2, Class 1 corrosion inhibitor coating also meets Mil C16173 Rev D
5300.pdf pdf 100.2 KB 07-07-18 Nox-Rust 5300 503 LS corrosion inhibitor coating. Mil PRF-16173 Rev. E Grade 3, Class 1 Corrosion Inhibitor Coating also meets Mil C16173 Rev D
5400.pdf pdf 265.0 KB 07-07-18 Nox-Rust 5400 X-241 M petroleum based sheet metal processing lubricant and corrosion inhibitor. Works well for pre-lube, auto-shear machines, coil stock preservative and Zincrometal.
9900.pdf pdf 294.0 KB 07-07-18 Nox-Rust 9900 concentrate used as a rinse/additive or corrosion control coating. Dilutible with water or mineral spirits. LOW VOC of 0.4 pounds/gallon.
AluminumBarrierFoilPackagi... pdf 491.9 KB 15-04-18 Aluminum triple laminate foil bags, sheets and shrouds available for purchase. Mil Prf-131 specification.
alumitex.pdf pdf 236.2 KB 09-04-15 Alumitex VCI paper corrosion protection for aluminum metals. Technical data sheet.
anti-corrosion-packaging.pdf pdf 100.0 KB 07-07-18 VCI 2000 product data sheet for poly packaging.
Anti-Tarnish-Silver-Guard.pdf pdf 422.3 KB 28-09-18 Tarnish protection for silver. Plastic zipper bags from Daubert Cromwell specifically engineered for silver tarnish prevention from the "Leading Name in Corrosion Protection"
biodegradable-film.pdf pdf 14.7 KB 09-04-15 Biodegradable film. Industrial strength, biodegrades in 18 to 24 months. Long shelf life.
BoilerWaterTreatment.pdf pdf 890.1 KB 07-04-18 Corrosion control for water boilers. A slide show presentation demonstrating how to protect water boilers from rust.
Clean-Tech-Rust.pdf pdf 475.0 KB 08-07-18 Magazine Article May 2003 De-rust of Abrams tanks at Fort Hood with Safe Evapo-Rust rust remover liquid distributed by KPR Adcor Inc.
Coppertex.pdf pdf 253.7 KB 08-07-18 Corrosion protective paper for copper corrosion control. The original vci paper specifically formulated for copper protection.
Corrosion-Inhibitors-Liqui... pdf 30.7 KB 27-02-12 Daubert Nox-Rust Corrosion Inhibitors Catalog
corrosion_control_coatings... pdf 3.0 MB 19-04-18 A downloadable catalog of many of our corrosion control coatings with links to our web store and product data sheets included.
Daubert-Product-Catalog.pdf pdf 2.8 MB 02-07-18 Downloadable catalog of Daubert products. A very large file 3,500 KB.
Daubrite1-Emitter.pdf pdf 123.0 KB 31-08-11 VCI emitter pouch inserts for corrosion control of all metals within an enclosure 1 cubic foot.
Daubrite5diskemitter.pdf pdf 254.4 KB 31-08-11 Daubert Cromwell VCI emitters, 5 cubic feet, multi-metal corrosion protection, military approved!
emitter-inserts-design.pdf pdf 378.5 KB 28-04-19 A short file showing a good packaging design using VCI film and VCI emitters for harsh environments, long term preservation and irregular sized parts.
Emitters_Q_&_A.pdf pdf 90.5 KB 22-03-18 VCI emitters frequently asked questions and answers. FAQ
Evapo-rust-remover.pdf pdf 214.5 KB 10-05-18 How to use EVAPORUST Rust Remover.
evapo-rust.pdf pdf 188.3 KB 10-05-18 Product data sheet for Evaporust Rust Remover.
Ferro-Galv40.pdf pdf 140.6 KB 22-03-18 VCI paper for galvanized metals and zinc.
Flow-Coat.pdf pdf 153.4 KB 15-11-18 Nox-Rust 9300 how to dilute and use as a flow coat. Procedure.
Foil barrier Mil-prf-131K.pdf pdf 15.1 KB 22-03-18 Foil vapor and oxygen barrier film and bags for packing parts. Mil PRF-131 K Type 1 Class 1
foil-packaging.pdf pdf 617.1 KB 22-03-18 Foil 12990 vapor barrier spec sheet.
hydrotesting-additives.pdf pdf 137.8 KB 02-02-19 Chart of hydro test additives for corrosion control. Products, dose and term of protection.
KPR-liquid-rust-remover.pdf pdf 123.6 KB 22-03-18 KPR Safe rust remover liquid how to use.
kpr-rust-remover-liq.pdf pdf 51.3 KB 22-03-18 Product information data sheet for KPR Liquid Rust Remover.
Laminated-foil-film-FR2175... pdf 229.9 KB 22-03-18 Foil film and bags for packing parts where a Mil PRF-131 K Type 1 Class 1 (supercedes Mil-B-131 Type 1 Class 1) product is specified.
Liquid-rust-remover.pdf pdf 244.3 KB 22-03-18 Instructions how to use our biodegradable safe liquid rust removers.
Long-Term-Results.pdf pdf 120.3 KB 22-03-18 Photo of comparative results of corrosion protection with Daubrite VCI Emitters after a test period of 4 years.
mde-30-vci-emitters.pdf pdf 195.6 KB 12-05-19 Provides superior performance in enclosures where humidity is excessive.
MetalWorkingProductsCatalo... pdf 315.8 KB 03-11-18 Catalog of Coatings, Liquids and corrosion inhibitor powders.
Mil-I-25135e.pdf pdf 1.2 MB 22-03-18 Military Specification document MIL-25135 Revision E.
MIL-P-46002.pdf pdf 1.3 MB 14-02-19 Military Specification Mil P-46002 documents.
mil-prf-131kclass3.pdf pdf 111.2 KB 22-03-18 Mil PRF-131 K, Class 3 barrier laminated foil film. Technical data sheet.
MIL-PRF-3420G.pdf pdf 52.1 KB 22-03-18 Military specification mil-prf 3420G download.
mil-prf-3420h.pdf pdf 69.1 KB 22-03-18 Military Specification document MIL-PRF-3420 Revision H. VCI paper P-3420
mil-spec-paper.pdf pdf 79.7 KB 22-03-18 Mil P-3420 H Paper catalog. Products on the QPL qualified products list for Mil PRF-3420
Nox-Rust-3100-application.pdf pdf 80.1 KB 22-03-18 How to apply Nox-Rust 3100 corrosion inhbitor coating. How to use.
Nox-Rust-7800.pdf pdf 251.2 KB 22-03-18 Nox-Rust 7800 Low temperature lubricant Federal Specification VV-L-800
Nox-Rust1100-Engine-Lay-Up.pdf pdf 132.3 KB 22-03-18 VCI-10 Oil engine lay-up procedure with VCI-10 P-46002 oil additive.
Nox-Rust1100.pdf pdf 265.9 KB 03-07-18 VCI-10 Oil additive contains contact and vapor corrosion inhibitors. Mil-P-46002
nox-rust3100.pdf pdf 71.4 KB 22-03-18 Outdoor, dry to touch, temporary corrosion inhibitor coating. Removable amber/translucent coating. Qualified product Mil-PRF-16173 Rev. E Grade 4, Class 1
Nox-Rust7300_T275.pdf pdf 42.9 KB 22-03-18 Nox-Rust 7300 (T-275) Fingerprint Remover Mil C-15074 product.
Nox-RustAerosols.pdf pdf 529.0 KB 02-07-18 Nox-Rust corrosion control coatings and liquids in convenient to use aerosols.
Nox-Rust_9800.pdf pdf 184.2 KB 22-03-18 VCI liquid for spray or fogging of interior cavities or packaging.
Nox4101.pdf pdf 257.2 KB 22-03-18 Lubricating corrosion inhibitor coating. Mil C-16173 Grade 3 Class 1, also used as an edge coat for steel coils and acid resistance.
Nox7100.pdf pdf 311.9 KB 22-03-18 Ultra thin, moisture displacing, non-discernable corrosion preventative metalworking fluid (coating).
NoxRust9300.pdf pdf 276.5 KB 22-03-18 Water or Solvent dilutable corrosion inhibitor coating. Low VOC and removable.
noxrust9900.pdf pdf 294.2 KB 22-03-18 Corrosion control coating, dries to a crystal clear finish. Water based, easily removed coating, non-flammable, corrosion protective temporary rust control.
PackagingDesign.pdf pdf 616.2 KB 28-04-19 An introduction to best practices when packaging parts and equipment for corrosion control.
PC50A-scrim.pdf pdf 257.3 KB 22-03-18 High strength vci paper corrosion protection vci paper with poly reinforcement. Also see UW94mpi-woven.
powders.pdf pdf 902.9 KB 09-01-19 VCI corrosion control powders in stock. Data sheets.
pw30.pdf pdf 230.7 KB 22-03-18 Protek wrap VCI paper. 30# basis weight for ferrous metals, cast iron and passive aluminum protection.
pw30h.pdf pdf 259.2 KB 22-03-18 Nitrite free Protek wrap VCI paper. 30# basis weight for ferrous metals, cast iron and passive aluminum protection.
PW32-vci-paper.pdf pdf 254.8 KB 22-03-18 Protek wrap VCI paper. 35# basis weight for ferrous metals, cast iron and passive aluminum protection.
pw32h.pdf pdf 321.0 KB 22-03-18 VCI paper for ferrous metals anti-corrosion paper. Nitrite free.
pw33.pdf pdf 252.6 KB 22-03-18 VCI paper for ferrous metals, wax coated kraft VCI paper impregnated with VCI solution.
qpl-prf-16173e.pdf pdf 1.4 MB 17-11-16 Specifiction for Mil PRF-16173 corrosion control coatings.
Removal-Nox-Rust-3100.pdf pdf 96.4 KB 18-03-15 Removal procedures for the Nox-Rust 3100 temporary corrosion inhibitor coating.
rust-removing-intro.pdf pdf 385.5 KB 09-04-15 Daubert Evap Rust remover liquid overview
RustRemoverGel.pdf pdf 83.8 KB 22-03-18 KPR Rust Remover Gel is a safe environmentally friendly jelly rust remover. Removes rust from vertical and horizontal surfaces.
Silver-Guard.pdf pdf 419.6 KB 22-03-18 Anti-tarnish plastic zipper bags for silver tarnish corrosion prevention.
SilverGuard-Film.pdf pdf 97.4 KB 22-03-18 Detailed specifications for Anti-Tarnish Silver Guard plastic zipper bags anti-corrosion for silver metals.
SilverSaver.pdf pdf 247.2 KB 22-03-18 Silver Saver paper for corrosion & tarnish protection of silver and noble metals. The ORIGINAL best selling silver tarnish protection paper in the industry!
static-control-packaging.pdf pdf 357.6 KB 10-10-17 Static Control Packaging Catalog, ESD, Black Conductive, Anti Static Pink and Metalized Faraday Cage Protective packaging products.
SteelCoil_Stretch_Film_Inf... pdf 209.1 KB 22-03-18 VCI stretch wrap for rust control of steel coils and pallet wrap. Holds parts securely in place and provides corrosion protection.
UW30mpi.pdf pdf 109.3 KB 03-07-18 Uniwrap 30 MPI data sheet. A 30lb multi-metal VCI paper.
UW35MPI.pdf pdf 118.0 KB 04-07-18 Uniwrap 35 MPI data sheet. A multi-metal VCI paper with a 35 lb basis weight.
UW94mpi-woven.pdf pdf 103.9 KB 22-03-18 Uniwrap steel wrap product data sheet. VCI paper with extrong poly reinforced scrim backing. Vapor barrier and tearproof VCI paper.
UWAChips.pdf pdf 285.9 KB 23-10-18 VCI paper chip inserts for multi-metals.
V-748.pdf pdf 318.1 KB 12-07-17 Corrosion Inhibitor for salt water, brines and high chloride solutions. Use for ballast tanks, oil & gas or hydrotesting.
V-800.pdf pdf 254.2 KB 22-03-18 Degreasing concentrate for vci corrosion protection contains VCI vapor corrosion inhibitors.
V-841.pdf pdf 339.1 KB 16-05-19 Vappro 841 Multimetal VCI powder additive for closed loop systems, water based cooling system corrosion protection.
V-848MM-Powder.pdf pdf 282.4 KB 30-08-18 Vappro 848 multi metal VCI powder protects all types of metals including yellow metals.
V-900.pdf pdf 228.4 KB 22-03-18 Clear insulative corrosion protective coating for electronics and electrical systems. Non-conductive barrier corrosion protection.
V-NDT-Cleaner.pdf pdf 149.3 KB 27-10-17 Component 1 of 3, Non-destructive test kit. Detects hairline fractures in metals.
V-NDT-Cleaner1.pdf pdf 78.0 KB 31-08-11 Component 1 of 3 parts, non-destructive test kit. Same file as above.
V-NDT-DEV.pdf pdf 225.3 KB 31-08-11 Component 2 of 3 parts included in the non-destructive test kit. Developer for flaw detection.
V-NDT-Penetrant.pdf pdf 222.3 KB 31-08-11 component 2 of 3, Non-destructive test kit. Penetrant finds the hairline cracks in metals. Mil-I-25135
Vappro870CB.pdf pdf 58.7 KB 16-05-19 Corrosion Control liquid spray for electronics. Non-conductive corrosion control for electrical systems.
VCI-3F-foam-emitter.pdf pdf 58.6 KB 22-03-18 VCI foam inserts for corrosion control of electronics, electrical devices and enclosed spaces. Protects up to 1 cubic foot. Adhesive backed foam emitters.
vci-Emitter-10.pdf pdf 108.7 KB 09-04-15 Daubrite-10 VCI disk emitter inserts. Military approved!
VCI-Emitter-Examples.pdf pdf 448.6 KB 22-03-18 Unique problem solving application examples corrosion control Daubrite Disk VCI emitters.
vci-emitter-faq.pdf pdf 48.3 KB 15-07-17 Daubrite VCI emitter disks and inserts. Frequently asked questions.
VCI-emitter.pdf pdf 167.5 KB 31-08-11 Daubert VCI emitter disks are unqiue and prevent corrosion.
VCI-emitters-catalog.pdf pdf 488.0 KB 15-08-18 One of our catalogs of VCI emitters and foams in stock and available for purchase.
VCI-export-packaging.pdf pdf 416.9 KB 28-04-19 Export packaging solutions for freighters and packagers shiping overseas. Methods and benefits.
vci-film-bag.pdf pdf 426.5 KB 04-07-17 Corrosion control vci bags, vci sheets and vci packaging product data sheet.
vci-foam.pdf pdf 449.1 KB 22-03-18 VCI foam inserts for packaging provide corrosion inhibitor properties to the inside of packages. Use for corrosion protection inside a shipping carton or as additional corrosion protection inside a VCI liner. Vapor Corrosion Inhibitor packaging inserts for multi metals data sheet.
VCI-HEAT-SHRINK-FILM.pdf pdf 121.1 KB 09-04-15 VCI heat shrink film for corrosion control packaging available in 4 mil or 6 mil thick shrinkable film.
vci-master-batch.pdf pdf 135.4 KB 15-06-17 Polymer additive used in the manufacturing of VCI plastic packaging. Data sheet.
VCI-PAPER.pdf pdf 163.7 KB 30-11-17 VCI paper product guide and catalog.
VCI-Product-Guide.pdf pdf 354.5 KB 22-03-18 VCI brochure and corrosion control guide of Daubert Cromwell products. The "Leading Name in Corrosion Protection"
VCIpaperCatalog.pdf pdf 539.7 KB 26-08-18 VCI paper catalog for downloading.
VCIPowder1010.pdf pdf 98.8 KB 07-11-17 VCI powder for corrosion protection of ferrous metals and safe to use in the presence of yellow metals.
vcistretchfilm-hw.pdf pdf 139.4 KB 11-03-18 VCI stretch film palet wrap. Corrosion control hold in place film.
VCISTRETCHFILM-MG.pdf pdf 194.6 KB 22-03-18 Flexible machine grade stretch film with corrosion protection VCI.
VCI_Powder-1.pdf pdf 155.5 KB 31-03-14 VCI-1 Corrosion inhibitor powder for ferrous & aluminum. Corrosion inhibitor powder for dry lay up or for use as a water additive.
versil-pak_1.pdf pdf 63.9 KB 22-03-18 VersilPak wrapper, greaseproof, waterproof barrier material. Product data sheet.
versil-pak_3-1.pdf pdf 75.0 KB 22-03-18 VersilPak 3-1 wrapper greaseproof, waterproof barrier material Mil B-121 Grade C Type 2 Class 1. Data sheet.
versil-pak_3-2.pdf pdf 63.3 KB 22-03-18 VersilPak 3-2 wrapper greaseproof, waterproof barrier material Mil B-121 Grade C Type 2 Class 2. Data sheet.
versil-pak_4.pdf pdf 67.5 KB 22-03-18 VersilPak 3-2 wrapper greaseproof, waterproof barrier material. Data sheet.
versil-pak_5-1.pdf pdf 173.7 KB 22-03-18 VersilPak 5-1 wrapper greaseproof, waterproof barrier material Mil B-121 Grade C Type 1 Class 1. Data sheet.
versil-pak_5-2.pdf pdf 68.9 KB 22-03-18 VersilPak 5-2 wrapper greaseproof, waterproof barrier material Mil B-121 Grade C Type 1 Class 2. Data sheet.
VW302HChips.pdf pdf 59.2 KB 22-03-18 Vapor Wrapper VCI paper chip emitters for ferrous metals data sheet.
VW35D.pdf pdf 44.7 KB 22-03-18 Heavy duty VCI paper for ferrous metals, cast iron and passive aluminum corrosion protection.
VW35H.pdf pdf 275.1 KB 22-03-18 New name is 4060. VCI paper military grade P-3420 H, class 3. Also stated as Mil PRF-3420 Revision H. Data sheet.
VW60D.pdf pdf 304.5 KB 22-03-18 Heavy duty VCI paper, 60 lbs. weight, for ferrous metals, stainless and cast iron.
VW60H.pdf pdf 256.3 KB 22-03-18 VCI paper military grade P-3420 H, class 2. Also stated as Mil PRF-3420 Revision H. Data sheet.
VW70H.pdf pdf 422.4 KB 22-03-18 VCI paper military grade P-3420 H, class 1. Has vapor barrier backing. Also stated as Mil PRF-3420 Revision H. Data sheet.
x-o_wrap.pdf pdf 172.5 KB 10-07-17 VCI heat shrink film, heavy duty, Premium Metal Guard, X-O Wrap in a 10 mil VCI heat shrink film.